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Chocolate Ice Cream with Cardamom & Cherries


  • 2 cups heavy whipping cream

  • ½ cup whole milk

  • 180 grams dark chocolate

  • 1/3 cup sugar

  • 5 egg yolks

  • 1 teaspoon salt

  • Pinch cardamom

  • 8 ounces frozen cherries, halved


1. Combine cream, milk and chocolate in a saucepan over medium heat and scald.

2. In a bowl, whisk together egg yolks and sugar until creamy.

3. Slowly temper cream mixture into eggs and then return to saucepan over low heat. Add salt and cardamom. Heat until thickened enough to coat the back of a spoon.

4. Cool completely in the refrigerator.

5. Place into ice cream mixer and follow manufacturers directions. Add cherries 10-12 minutes into churning.

6. Place into freezer at least 4 hours to set. Enjoy!

Makes 1 quart.



(719) 308-2992

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